Health Care And Wellness Program - Satvajñāna Foundation

+91 9446223626

Health Care And Wellness Program

One of the most critical and necessary parts of human life is health and well-being. Population growth, increasing urbanization, income distribution disparities, and lower per capita income distribution have deprived many of critical care. The foundation wishes to promote and be in health care infrastructure with its affordable nature and hand support to the research activities. Our efforts support the broad spectrum and lay the building bricks for a healthy environment.

Most people spend the majority of their time at work. Stress, long and imbalanced working hours, challenging tasks, and poor work-life balance often create issues related to physical and mental well- being. This ultimately results to lower performance levels. Educating the companies and related organizations about the well-being of employees to take it as a primary responsibility is necessary for this context. As with any company, performance ultimately depends on how they treat their most important resource, humans.